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O January 16, 2014
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Oh My! Business is taking a beating these days. Too me this doesn't make any sense. Why would our government’s current administration want to have their sights set on small business? Is it because they employ at least 76% of our working population in this country? With small business very likely moving toward a depressed state it doesn't take much imagination to understand what's in store for that 76% and their families. This of course means the inevitable run of unemployment compensation and the extensions that follow. It also means those folks are not paying their customary share of taxes through a more limited or smaller role of participation in day to day commerce due to being unemployed.
What is the definition of a small business? While there are a number of items in that answer only two are essential, no more than 499 employees and one must report all income on their personal income tax return.
Anytime I hear someone start to "rattle the cage”, so to speak, about business of any type or size only one question comes to mind. "WHAT IS THE BUSINESS OF AMERICA?” I have yet to hear a quality answer from anyone of this group of uninformed individuals to this date. The Answer is very obvious: "Business.” That’s right folks, business! is the answer. Without business nothing happens in this country. Think about it. From the time we are born (actually long before that) we all come in contact with business in some manner or other throughout our daily lives. This process continuing through to the day we all die.
Am I saying that business should be left alone to do anything as they so please? Of course not! President Reagan said it best "trust but verify”. Without oversight there is only anarchy. Much like what is going on in the current liberal lead congress today. Passing legislation both counterproductive to the economy as well as counteractive to the will of the people, unfunded and I might add against the Constitution of the United States. Please explain to me how congress wants oversight in all activities throughout the land but refuses to yield to the PEOPLES’ objections when they overstep their legal bounds set by the limits in our Constitution. This is how things begin to get out of whack!
The American people are very resourceful. If roadblocks are placed in their way we devise a way to move around them. However the one roadblock that can’t be overcome is when a business’s capital used for funding operations (to replace stock, grow a business, develop new markets, run day to day affairs, etc.) is confiscated in the guise of a tax. Businesses do not pay taxes! They simply collect taxes, through a price increase, and pass them along to the respective government. Let us not forget the current tax structure in this country is a "PERSONAL INCOME TAX”.
It is extremely important for us all to understand we, as individuals, are as much a part of the equation in commerce as the business itself. For without customers there is no business. When this cycle is hampered in any way the movement of money (also known as the economy) is stifled interrupting that near perfect circle, "the flow of money through a capitalistic society”. That flow is what keeps this country at the top in the world of markets. Proof is at everyone’s fingertips on a daily basis in the form of the largest communist society (China) in the world adopting a capitalistic form of economy to fund all aspects of their society and government. The reason we are still on top is because we have a FREE society from the dictates of our government. Or do we?
The biggest impact we are all affected by is the age old philosophy, coveted by the liberal lawmakers at all levels of government, when a tax rate reduction is proposed: how are we going to pay for it. The premise being our economy produces a "zero sum gain” in revenues when a tax cut goes into effect. Nothing could be further from the truth. That is the momentous value of a free capitalistic society, it always awakens to a new strength of fresh fuel (money) when we are all allowed to keep more of what we earn. Without exception it works every time it’s tried.
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